Thursday, June 14, 2012


Ok so I FINALLY moved!!! its been great! I moved almost 3 weeks ago!! My has time flown!!

There was a huge change in plans for the big move, and it went great! I had almost a week off work and got a lot unpacked. Now is the dirty job. 3 weeks later and we still have to go through all of our "junk" boxes! We just keep procrastinating!

I will have to get more pics of my Garden, and flowers and different things. It has been soo wonderful! I feel this giant weight lifted from my shoulders. I love my house!

P.s I haven't had my period since my I think I ovulated 4 weeks ago!! Doctor on Monday! Can't wait!


  1. Love the pic of the cat staring outside. Looks like you settled in nicely.

  2. I am sooooooo happy for you and Gabe!!!!!

  3. That was from your Mother-in-law, FYI. : )
