I have been dreaming for the last couple of months of something I have never dreamed of before. Its surprisingly not of baby. I have been dreaming of gardening. Since pinterest has changed my world, I have been really getting into gardening.Via pinterest. I want to do veggies and herbs and stuff, but mostly I want flowers. I am dreaming of potting and planting and making my future house a beautiful english cottage from the outside. I go on pinterest and day dream and pin and read and look. About many things, but this is really inspiring for me.
This is what is funny about it. I have had 5 flower pots for the past 2 summers. I start out LOVING them, but the end of August they are dead..... This doesn't spell green thumb to me.... yet I cant stop dreaming of gardening.
I dream of sitting in backyard oasis on Saturday mornings with my coffe watching hummingbirds, and listening to the birds. I dream of afternoons catching a tan drinking sweet sun tea and plucking weeds. I think of evenings and watering the plants while I do a devotional in my gazebo. I dream of cocktails and campfires at night. I think of the herbs I could grow to spice up my recipes for free. I think of the salads I could make so garden fresh. I think of canning salsa with my tomatoes and peppers and cilantro and onions. I dream of retiring from my backyard oasis of flowers and veggies and herbs and birds to my house. With my crafty projects and my cats.
It might be just as I call it. a dream....but I hope part of this will become my reality.... even just a small part.
Dearest Baby,
I cant wait until you can join me in my dreams of my backyard oasis. Playing while I work. In the sprinkler on a hot summer day. Learning to walk in the grass. Running around. Napping in the gazebo while I read. More dreaming... again maybe just a small piece of this will become our reality.
Love your dearest Mommy.
that does sound very lovely!